Sunday, February 17, 2013

Under African Skies (2012, dir. Joe Berlinger) ***.5/****

"Under African Skies" is a documentary that tells the tale of musician Paul Simon's return to South Africa in 2012, the place where he recruited musicians and recorded some of his critically acclaimed "Graceland" album.  This album was also met with critical dissent - Simon disobeyed the U.N.'s boycott on African cultural products that was an attempt to end apartheid in that nation.  Thus, Simon's return to South Africa 25 years later and his anniversary concert in New York were an attempt to recapture the magic of the "Graceland" tour, reunite with the musicians, and explore the tensions and criticisms that came with the events.  It is a solid documentary and fans of Simon's music will enjoy it.  The documentary blends historical footage with current interviews and performances, though the current performances pale in comparison to the originals.  There is much debate over whether or not Simon was wrong to go to South Africa in 1985.  Simon defends himself throughout and the filmmaker, Berlinger, seems to side with Simon in the overall message of the film.  Surely, as Simon himself attests, there is nothing wrong with collaboration between like-minded musicians no matter what the colour of his or her skin.

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