Monday, October 6, 2014

Gone Girl (2014, dir. David Fincher)

There has been a lot of hype about David Fincher's new film, "Gone Girl" which it definitely lives up to.  It is a riveting film from start to finish and it will surprise and entertain you.

It is hard to give a review of this film without spoiling some of the movie because there are several shocking surprises and twists.  Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike star as husband and wife who's marriage, though blissful at the start, turns rocky and troubled.  Pike's character, Amy, mysteriously disappears at the start of the film and Affleck's Nick is suspected by the police for what appears to be her murder.  We learn about their past relationship troubles through voice-over diary readings by Amy.  Nick is made to look more and more sinister, suspicious and volatile as the readings progress.  To reveal any more of the film's plot would certainly give away too much to someone who hasn't seen the film or read the Gillian Flynn novel upon which the movie is based (Flynn also wrote the screenplay).

Fincher proves to be a modern-day master auteur.  His previous films like "Se7en", "Fight Club", "The Social Network" and "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo", dealt with consistent thematic concerns such as the darkness lurking within the soul's of humanity and modern man's duality and moral depravity.  Here in "Gone Girl" he explores the extremes that his characters will go to to maintain there own sanity and reputation in the face of society's and the media's ever-present gaze and scrutiny.

It combines many genres:  I detected elements of mystery, suspense, thriller and even neo noir in its stylistic leanings, cinematography and narrative.  The performances, even from Affleck, who has been criticized in the past for his lack of technical sophistication, are stellar and raise the picture to the level of an Oscar-worthy film.  This is a great film and one of the best of 2014.

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