Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Foxcatcher (2014, dir. Bennett Miller)

"Foxcatcher" is based on real events but it is still a film that shocks and surprises.  Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo star as Mark and David Shultz, brothers who share a passion for and skill in wrestling.  Mark (Tatum) was a gold medal winner in the 1984 Olympics in the sport and he is now looking forward to competing in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

Along comes millionaire John du Pont (Steve Carell) who expresses interest in coaching the brothers with Team Foxcatcher in his huge facility.

The film and du Pont's actions are often mysterious and baffling.  At one point du Pont introduces Mark to cocaine, a seemingly weird turn of events for an athlete training for the Olympics.  There are other plot turns and character actions that are equally mesmerizing but I won't spoil the ending for viewers unfamiliar with the real-life story.

Carell's performance is wonderful.  He is almost unrecognizable with his protruding prosthetic nose and strange, hesitant mannerisms.  It is a big change for viewers used to his comedic performances.  Tatum and Ruffalo are also strong as brothers who are trying to understand du Pont's actions and utterances.

This is a strange film that leaves a lasting impression.  It is a commentary on manhood and can be read as a microcosm for North American mores and values in the late 80's.

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