Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Age of Adaline (2015, dir. Lee Toland Krieger)

Blake Lively is charismatic and captivating in the lead role of Adaline in Lee Toland Krieger's "The Age of Adaline".  Adaline was in an accident in her young adult life that caused her to never age.  It is a cool concept. 

The cinema's playfulness with the idea of The Fountain of Youth is not new but this film approaches the matter in an original way that makes the film enjoyable and engaging.  We watch Adaline as she lives from the early 20th century up until the present.  She witnesses her daughter outgrow her before her very eyes.  It is really a bittersweet concept and the director Krieger deals with the subject in a straightforward, unsentimental manner.

This film probably wouldn't work in the hands of a less likable, versatile actress.  Lively does a terrific job of making us care deeply for Adaline.  This is the first time I've seen her in a film and I look forward to seeing her in others in the future.

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