Sunday, January 17, 2016

Season 1 of "River" (A Netflix Original Series)

"River" portrays a man who's psychotic visions are a constant predicament in his life.  He "sees" dead people, referring to them as "manifests".  The series deftly conveys these visions by making them visible to the viewer of the show.  John River (Stellan Skarsgard) is the only person in the actual show who can see them, thus designating him as a madman.

This mental illness, the seeing of deceased acquaintances and loved-ones, is brilliantly rendered by the show and makes the nature of River's occupation (Detective Inspector) all the more of an ordeal.  Among the dead he sees and is visited by is DS Jackie "Stevie" Stevenson (Nicola Walker), his former partner who's brutal murder he witnessed.  The investigation of Stevie's murder is the focus of the first season of the show.  Stevie frequently appears to River and makes suggestions to him on the investigation, sometimes offering other clues as to their relationship or lack thereof. 

The presentation of River's psychosis is highly original and unlike any that have been portrayed of people stricken with such "delusions".  I write delusion in quotation marks because, though the manifests are invisible to others, they are very real to River and the verity of their existence seems to assist him in certain ways despite their questionable nature.  It brings him peace at the same time that they haunt him.  In the end, they will perhaps offer him a feeling of closure in his investigation.

Skarsgard's performance is brilliant and complex.  He paints a portrait of a man who somehow manages to deal efficiently with everyday existence even though he is constantly bombarded by these visions and visitations.

The cinematography and look of the series is beautiful, portraying the gritty, overcast streets of London in a compelling way.  Despite being only six episodes long, the first series of "River" is a spell-binding, taut, psychological thrill.

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