Friday, March 4, 2016

Zoolander 2 (2016, dir. Ben Stiller)

I actually expected to be entertained thoroughly by Zoolander 2 because its predecessor was so funny (to me anyway).  What was I thinking?  There were, in fact, very few moments in Zoolander 2 that come anywhere near to the original film's level of comic brilliance. 

There are a few funny parts.  I enjoyed Mugatu's (Will Ferrell) attempt at mask-creation, for example.  But, overall its lackluster.  I had the same feeling for the third Austin Powers installment that I did for this movie:  that the actors didn't care as much, were just phoning it in.

The first Zoolander was stupid, yes.  But, in its knowledge of its own stupidity, it transcended it.  This sequel however, fails to do that on every level.  Its a waste of time.

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