Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Culture Diaries: Insights into Note-Taking - March 31st, 2021

I made a discovery these past couple days that has really made a difference in my film watching:  taking notes during a film.  I first tried this out a couple nights ago while watching an Al Pacino movie called Sea of Love (1989) and I noticed that it really made a difference in my comprehension and enjoyment. 

I took notes on plot details and various observations I made throughout the screening.  This really helped in paying attention to the details of the story and made me hyper-aware and more mindful of everything that was happening on screen.  

I applied this once again to my screening today of Odd Man Out (1947) and the same results were found.  More understanding, better insights, an overall more-observant viewing experience.  This is not surprising given that memories tend to fade of little details and it is definitely helpful in writing a review afterwards when you have these notes in your hand.  

Pauline Kael, as I read in her biography, was also a user of notes during screenings.  This is probably why she is known as one of the most eloquent, focussed movie critics in her time.  Note-taking really heightens your overall awareness of everything going on in the film, but it also allows you to notate insights that may arise as the result of what you are watching. 

This could be a real breakthrough for me and it can apply to other areas of life as well.  Taking notes on everything from things you read to general life insights would be amazingly beneficial.  I look forward to continuing to employ this strategy going forward.  

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