Saturday, October 26, 2013

Runner Runner (2013, dir. Brad Furman) */****

If you want to waste your time with a zero-dimensional, lame-scripted, lacklustre film today, I recommend you see Brad Furman's "Runner Runner".  If you don't want to waste your time, then I highly suggest steering clear of this vapid, idiotic movie.
  The film stars Justin Timberlake as Richie Furst, a Princeton Graduate student with (the script tells us) brains who has a slight penchant for online gambling.  There is a forced montage early in the film to let the audience know just how prevalent and problematic student online gambling is in our modern times: a slew of news items give voice to the widespread predilection.  This type of montage sequence that highlight a social problem is such a cinematic cliche that this reviewer almost walked out after the first five minutes.  But, I gave the film a chance and continued to do so for the remaining one hour and twenty five minutes but the film never answered that allowance with an entertaining spectacle.
   Richie figures out that the online gambling site he just lost nearly $20,000 dollars to has actually cheated him out of his money.  He decides to fly to Costa Rica to confront the owner of the site, Ivan Block (Ben Affleck).  Soon, Block is apologizing and offering Richie's money back but not before offering him a position with the company which promises millions of dollars in a short amount of time.  But, something is fishy about the whole scheme and the FBI is soon bothering Richie about the illegality of the whole operation.
   This is a brainless, forgettable film that will soon be on video and on-demand and I wouldn't even recommend you get the film through these avenues:  it is a complete waste of time and there are better movies out there that will give you much more satisfaction.  The acting is frigid and uninspired, the script lacks any wit or finesse, and there is nothing notable or admirable about any visual aspect of the entire production.  One of the worst films I've seen this year.

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