Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Counselor (2013, dir. Ridley Scott) **.5/****

I was looking forward to Ridley Scott's "The Counselor" because it was written by Cormac McCarthy one of my favourite authors.  Films based on books he has written have been phenomenal, including "The Road" and "No Country For Old Men".  I even admired the recent James Franco directed film "Child of God".  My expectations for "The Counselor" were high seeing that McCarthy wrote and Ridley Scott was directing.  But, in the end I felt let down and disappointed by the resulting film.
   The plot basically boils down to a drug deal gone horribly awry and everyone involved being put in intense jeopardy by the mishaps that take place.  Michael Fassbender is the title character.  Penelope Cruz plays his wife.  Javier Bardem is a rich man involved in the deal.  Cameron Diaz is his sultry girlfriend.  Brad Pitt plays another associate who gets in trouble.
  I was confused by this story.  I had trouble figuring out who was who and what was what.  There are some cool individual scenes but they don't add up to a consistent and coherent whole.  I enjoyed the performances and the screenplay is razor sharp and intriguing at times, as can be expected from McCarthy.  Fassbender's character is seen crying no less than three times in this film and he is a multi-dimensional character.  There are just two many questions left unanswered and not enough narrative verisimilitude to recommend this movie.

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