Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013, dir. Ben Stiller) ***.5/****

Ben Stiller directs “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, a funny, effervescent, and charming movie about one man’s journey from a fearful, lonely, play-it-safe day-dreamer to a thrill-seeking, contented and joyful adventurer.  

Walter (Ben Stiller) is the title character who spends his days at a job at Life magazine developing photographs that will appear in the magazine and on its cover.  He spends his off-time alone, trying to leave winks on Eharmony for co-worker Cheryl Melhoff (Kristen Wiig) and constantly zoning out (Walter frequently daydreams about the adventures and interesting things he’s never had the courage to do). 

It is announced at work that Life will be publishing its last print issue and there will be lay-offs.  A free-lance photographer Sean O’Connell (Sean Penn) has sent photographs to the magazine.  One of these photographs is very important and will be featured on the final print edition’s cover.  Walter is in charge of this photograph but he cannot seem to find it anywhere.  Pressure mounts as the submission date looms.  Finally, Walter decides to go against his habitual behavior and travel to Greenland, Iceland and later Afghanistan to try to locate O’Connell and get information on the whereabouts of the elusive photograph.  

This is a great movie and very funny at times.  I loved the performances and the witty screenplay.  It is an inspiring tale of triumph against adversity and pre-established character molds.  It is a truthful movie with moments that resonate with your soul.

I liked Stiller’s direction.  At times he ingeniously inserts meaningful textual messages into the mise-en-scene that are revealing and inspiring.  The “zone-out” sequences of Walter are surprising and exciting.  The movie’s soundtrack is enjoyable as well.

This is one of the better films of 2013 and will make you feel joyful when you witness the various triumphs of the title character.  

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