Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life of Pi (2012, dir. Ang Lee) ****/****

Life of Pi tells the story of triumph in the face of insurmountable odds.  It teaches the viewer how to be more compassionate, wise, and world-centric.  Also, the value of exploring all religions regardless of one's own upbringing or religious background is emphasized.  Director Ang Lee does a masterful job of bringing Yan Martel's bestselling novel to life.  In the film, we follow the trials and tribulations in the early life of the lead character, Pi.  The film depicts him in his adult life retelling the adventure he had in his youth when he found himself stranded on a lifeboat after the ship that he was on sunk along with all its crew and his own family.  Somehow, a tiger also manages to get onboard the lifeboat and a large portion of the film shows the relationship between the ferocious carnivore and Pi.  If you have the chance to see the film in 3D, do so.  The visuals are spectacular and unforgettable.  All the performances are top notch.  You may feel more compassion for the animal kingdom as well as humanity after having seen this film.  Highly recommended.

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