Sunday, December 16, 2012

Rise of the Guardians (2012, dir. Peter Ramsey) ***/****

Rise of the Guardians tells the tale of Jack Frost and his recruitment into a group of guardians who are the characters of children's beliefs and wishes.  Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, and the Sandman are all part of this elite group and they need Jack Frost to join their group to help in the cessation of an evil mastermind named "Pitch" rise to prominence.  Pitch is slowly trying to instil fear in the hearts of children everywhere and make them stop believing in the various guardians.  This is a movie that is directed at children but I found that I was able to enjoy the film immensely at 34.  The animation is top-notch and beautiful to look at, especially if you are given the opportunity to see it in 3D.  There is a strong message to the film and will leave children with a stronger sense of belief and not to fear anything.  The message that one has to find your true inner self as Jack Frost does, is prominent by the end of the film.  I liked this film, although as animated films go, I have to admit that I liked Wreck-It Ralph a little better (adults will get more enjoyment out of that one).  Still a great kids movie and will make you feel good about yourself.

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