Sunday, December 23, 2012

Total Recall (2012, dir. Len Wiseman) *.5/****

Total Recall is a remake of an Arnold Swartzenegger movie from 1990.  CGI has come a long way since then so they felt the desire to remake it.  Was it necessary?  Probably not.  The movie is confusing and boring.  In case you were wondering, there is an appearance made by the notorious triple-breasted woman of the original film.  Her inclusion in the film seems unnecessary and gratuitous.  The film itself is instantly forgettable.  The futuristic atmosphere is quite visually-pleasing.  But you leave the theatre with a sense of being let down and having spent two hours for nothing.  There is nothing you will take away from this useless remake.  Some will say its better than the original.  That is not saying much however because the original was nothing to sneeze at either.

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